Creating a new file (File>New) of 1920×1200 px and 72 dpi.Apply the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to give the file black color.
Use a standard brush on a new layer (Create new layer) to represent by turn several colored spots that will represent the background of our main picture.
The brush’s color is #FC00FC:
Next color applied should be #ED1C24 (Opacity 30%):
Color #FFFF00 (Opacity 30%):
Color is #EE2DFF (Opacity 30%):
The color used now is #FFFF00 (Opacity 30%):
Insert a spot of the color #FFF798 (Opacity 30%) and the color #FF45D0 (Opacity 50%)
Next the background gets richer with the color #FF00FF (Opacity 50%):
Using the Pen Tool (P) and the Convert Point Tool, try to represent a wave of color:
Select the next indicated parameters for the made layer by making a mouse click on this layer on the layers’ palette. Fill 0%, Blending Options>Gradient Overlay:
Gradient’s parameters:
Using the same tool, try to insert several layers of different colors
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