Open up your stock image and duplicate it by clicking on the layer and dragging it to the New Layer icon down the bottom (it’s the one to the left of the trash can). Name this layer Base, desaturate it (Ctrl+Shift+U) and duplicate it again. The reason I am doing this is that I like to have multiple stages of my base image, just in case I mess up, so that I can come back at any given time and fix errors
First, a Levels layer, then a Brightness/Contrast layer, and last a Curves layer. You can add each by going to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Levels/Brightness/Curves depending on which you’re adding. Adjustment layers allow you to change the properties of the image below without actually destroying or changing image data
Click on that mask, and then using a softish brush gently paint black over the areas where you do not want the curves layer to show through. Remember that when you add a layer mask, white lets the layer show through and black hides it
Now go to Layer>Flatten Image and save the file as Displacement.psd. DO NOT CLOSE THE FILE, as you will lose everything. Hit Ctrl+Z to undo the ‘Flatten Image’ command and now go to File > Save As and save the file as Tattoo.psd or any other name apart from Displacement.psd
Open up your Gomedia free vectors file in Illustrator (preferably, but you can also open it in Photoshop)
masked out the top part so that it doesn’t go over the lips, and I got rid of the tips that stick out beyond the face
Duplicate the shape layer twice. There now should be a ‘tattoo copy’ and ‘tattoo copy 2′. Set the ‘tattoo copy’ layer to Overlay at 80% Opacity. Set the ‘tattoo copy 2′ layer to Soft light at 64% Opacity. Hide the original ‘tattoo’ layer.
This process will return the blending mode to Normal so we must set the blending mode back to Overlay and the Opacity back to 80%. Now go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian blur and blur the layer with a value of about 2.0 pixels
Select your ‘tattoo copy’ layer and go to Filter > Distort > Displace. Leave the default settings and hit ok. A window will come up prompting for a psd file. Now navigate to your Displacement.psd file and select it. Select your ‘tattoo copy 2′ layer and hit Ctrl+F
its finish and i hope we can learned something from this tutorial and I hope that you understand that it takes a lot of time and effort to make something look real. The best way to achieve such an effect is by experimenting and constantly looking at challenges from a different angle
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