Sunday, October 16, 2011

Tunning Text Effects with photoshop cs

 This tutorial will teach you how to design a tunning logo using basic techniques in Photoshop. Take the next instrumen

and represent on a new layer, 255×255 px and 72 dpi, 16 ellipses (firstly create a single ellipse and then make use of the Free Transform option to turn the drawn element on 90 degrees.
Combine the elements in a group and copy strictly the way it is shown on the picture below)

Blending Options-Gradient Overlay

Gradient’s parameters:

Merge all the layers Ctrl+Shift+E. Select Free Transform option to turn the represented elements on 45 degrees. Create a new layer and paint it in C6C6C6. Place it under the layer with the earlier represented elements and close it in the net, like in the next picture.

We have to separate now the prepared basic elements along the edges of the inside markings, using

Choose also

Save the cliche that you’ve got

Create a new layer then of 351×149 px and 72 dpi and apply on it the parameters shown here:

Blending Options-Gradient Overlay

Gradient’s parameters:

Blending Options-Pattern Overlay

Write the next word

Blending Options-Drop Shadow

Blending Options-Inner Shadow

Blending Options-Inner Glow

Blending Options-Gradient Overlay

Gradient’s parameters:

Mark it out

Paint the marked zone on a new layer in white color

Hold the Ctrl button and click on T letter on the layer containing the Tuning word

Click on the right mouse’s button inside the marked zone and choose Select Inverse option

Mark out the upper layer and press Delete button. Opacity 50% and Fill 20% on the layers

This is the final result


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